Our Community
Lakeview Heights is a very special community with homes and businesses nestled between vineyards and natural areas with spectacular views of city skyline, lake and mountains
The purpose of our association is to enhance, engage and represent our diverse neighbourhood, where we live, work and play, by facilitating partnerships, programs and services with all levels of government and other stakeholders.
LVHCA Board Directors
Our Achievements
Successfully lobbied the CWK to improve our water quality by installing the Rose Valley water treatment plant. After many delays this plant is finally on line and providing us with safe clean water.
Supported CWK with the grant request for Rose Valley water treatment plant, lobbied local MPs and MLAs. These efforts will save Lakeview Heights residents approximately $400 per year. Water will still be expensive, just a little less so.
Working closely with developer on Anders Mall and helping shape the development proposal for the Old School Property – highlighted issues to members. CWK recognises that local feeling was a influencing factor in the return to 6 stories and reducing the number of condos by 100, we believe that our extensive leafletting and adverts in local papers were a key step in getting our local voice heard.
Brought member's concerns on By-law contraventions to CWK's attention and agreed on a process for elevating egregious events for rapid action.
Successfully restricted Menu and McCallum access to Vineyard Estates for emergency traffic only
Lobbied MOTI for implementation of Boucherie and Hwy. 97 intersection.
Lobbied working party on second crossing and second power line.
Continue to lobby for more recreational space – a community Park for Lakeview Heights. Lakeview Heights has half the city park space that we should have compared with the rest of CWK. Asked CWK to help to have a Lakeview Heights community park for past 4 years.
Supported the Friends of Mt. Boucherie for the preservation of trails and increased parking on Boucherie Mountain.
Helped implement a kayak launching facility and partly funded a swim platform in Kalamoir park, also worked with FKP to add more land to Kalamoir Park
Successfully lobbied CWK on many trail improvements in Lakeview Heights.
Provided input to CWK staff on many miscellaneous items.
Helped members with stormwater issues.
Distribute communications from the CWK and produce a Newsletter for our members.
Highlighted concerns about Urban Deer to CWK.